Migennes and home (21/09 – 27/09)

Auxerre – Migennes – Sunbury We decided to get ourselves settled into Simon Evans’ yard at Migennes a few days before our departure on the 26th of September, leaving us four days for winterising. First, the now practised cruise from Auxerre to Migennes, our fourth…

Saved by the Dutch: 6/08 – 13/08

Chitry-les-Mines > Flez-Cuzy > Clamecy Chitry-les-Mines The port is at the small village of Chitry-les-Mines and the equally small hamlet of Chaumot is just across the canal. The much larger town, Corbigny is about 3 km away and involves a reasonable climb on the bikes.…

Towards the Somme: 11/08 – 13/08

Courchelettes – Manancourt – Cappy So, with a fresh water pump, off we went. Our aim was to get to the River Somme as fast as possible so we could really begin to enjoy recreational cruising. We were on the highly commercial Canal du Nord…