The Race to Roanne (15/7 – 19/7)

Decize – Gannay-sur-Loire – Diou – La Croix-Rouge – Briennon – Roanne Why a race? Well, the plan that generated the previous schedule, unsurprisingly, soon changed after its creation when we decided that we would push on to the city of Roanne as it has…

Wine country again (07/07 – 09/07)

Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre – La Chapelle-Montlinard – Marseilles-lès-Aubigny – Les Guètins Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre When we arrived, we thought we should stay for a couple of nights at the very least as a cycle up the hill to Sancerre would be a necessary part of this experience. Sancerre, a…