Wild and Free

Mooring The next blog is a bit about where we stay, so we might begin with a bit about mooring. For this blog, ‘mooring’ the noun. Later perhaps ‘mooring’ in the sense of a verb. At this early stage, we’d probably recognise four classes of moorings. Marinas,…

Neo Vita’s last cruise

Sunshine and Rain We arrived in Groningen two weeks ago, to several days of brilliant sunshine, over 35ºC temperatures, and much to finish organising. Too busy to write. We left Groningen to start cruising about a week ago, nice weather, lots to see and do,…

Returning Catharina Elisabeth

Just about to leave. It will be no surprise that we have themed this year’s cruse “Returning Catharina Elisabeth”: – to her original name, – her original home, – and her original cargo. So this will be a short discourse. Everything seems to be arranged, and…