We were both born in the UK but migrated to Perth as “Ten Pound Poms” in the 60’s before we were teenagers. After growing up, meeting and getting married in Perth in the 70’s we’ve lived a short while in the US and Melbourne since the late 80’s.
With four children and increasing numbers of grandchildren – we live in Sunbury. We finished our working lives as public servants; Ian full-time as an intellectual property professional in the field of commercialisation and Lisette as a data analyst in the health services portfolio. We’re now fully retired.
For a long while our family has marked our locations by prefixing the ‘Mac’ that denotes our surname with the location or activity in which we are engaged. So, living near Melbourne, we are MelMacs; visiting or living in Japan, we are JapMacs; our family in Perth are PerMacs – and so forth.

On our trips to Europe, we have been EurMacs – and hence the title. For instance, here you can see us relaxing at the end of a fantastic day of rain, electric carts, Canadian girls, rowing in the canals, more rain and then a great meal. We have experienced wonderful times on our visits to Europe, and now intend to spend lots more time soaking up the Continental culture and the European landscape.
Somehow, we’ve become a part of the small but select group of people who are fortunate enough to cruise for an extended period on the waterways of Europe – just how is covered in more detail on another page on this website. Tied as we are to a home and family in Australia, and with work, limited time and funds, we don’t spend all year in Europe – but when we do, we’ll be recording it here!
The ‘Mac’ part is not just a convenient variant of ‘McC’, it also alludes to the passion that Ian has for Macintosh computers, fostered by using and programming the original Apple II in the late ’70s, and owning an original 128K Macintosh in 1985. His main Macintosh at present is a 2013 Model MacPro [and in 2024, with some minor upgrades, it is still going strong]. It’s just gorgeous!